LoginGuitars Care Products and Tools
– 讓樂器在外觀、聲音以及彈奏性上皆達到最高水平,令演奏者及聽眾都能盡情享受音樂。
– To help musical equipment look, sound and play the best to the highest level for the enjoyment of both musicians and music fans.
藉由結合 MusicNomad 對清理和協助音樂人方面的熱情,MusicNomad 設計出一系列頂級的護理產品使大家能對自己的樂器提供專業級的修復、維護和保護。
此外,MusicNomad 亦致力為獨立音樂人提供幫助,每一次購買 MusicNoamd 的產品都會自動透過宣傳網站 MusicNomad.com 為獨立音樂家進行捐款。而在該網站上,每月有成千上萬的音樂人發掘到資源、技巧和文章以幫助他們發展自己的音樂事業。
We started as a musician advocate organization and will always have programs to give back and help our music community.
We must never forget we exist because of music and musicians and should enjoy and celebrate them.
Our community of employees, customers and suppliers are critical to our success.
Through teamwork and collaboration, our actions should lead us to work together to advance the company.
Our employees and organization are here to grow through creatively challenging the norm.
We wake up every day passionately focusing 100% on equipment care products.
Through our unique combination of quality and innovation every product is designed and engineered to be best in class, or we will not come out with it.
We must reduce waste wherever we can and build products that last longer (Recyclable, Re-useable, Repairable). We believe the environment should sit at the table when we make choices.
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You may ask anything about guitars, we are please to offer help.