
+852 57128146 Contact@hkguitarstore.com Mon-Fri 1100-2100|Sat 1200-2000|sun 1400-2000


+852 57128146 Contact@hkguitarstore.com Mon-Fri 1100-2100|Sat 1200-2000|sun 1400-2000

結他『事』多 (activities)

concert/workshop/showcase and more!

Okapi x Sönke :《兩個好朋友》- Hong Kong (13-14/12/2024)
Alexandr Misko Asia Tour - Hong Kong (20/7/2024)
Daniel Padim: Waiting For You - Hong Kong (25/5/2024)
Sungha Jung Live in Hong Kong (17-18/1/2024)
Maestro x Hozen Guitars Workshop (23/12/2023)
小松原 俊: 消失的2020 - Hong Kong (12/12/2023)
Satoshi Gogo Live in Hong Kong (5/11/2023)
Andres Godoy Live in Hong Kong (17/8/2023)
Tommy Emmanuel Live in Hong Kong (16/8/2023)
Sungha Jung Live in Hong Kong (13/6/2023)


你可以透過 WhatsApp 與《結他士多》展開對話!

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