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Sungha Jung- All The Best (autographed, Deluxe Edition) 10th Album


Sungha Jung- All The Best (autographed, Deluxe Edition) 10th Album

Release Date: August 2, 2024

[Track List]

01. Hazy Sunshine
02. Overcome
03. Felicity
04. Nostalgia
05. Gravity
06. The Milky Way
07. Rainy Day (With Masaaki Kishibe)
08. Flaming (With Kotaro Oshio)
09. Seventh #9
10. L’Atelier
11. Wedding Bell
12. The Ocean (With Tommy Emmanuel)

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Description (Translated):

Guitarist Seongha Jeong releases her first best album [All The Best]!

– Released the 10th full-length album [All The Best], the first best album since debut
– Best album gift to fans who have been with us for a long time and listeners around the world
– Special album featuring a brilliant featuring lineup

Seongha Jeong, a top-class fingerstyle guitarist representing Korea, will release his full-length album [All The Best] worldwide on August 2, 2024. This album is Seongha Jeong’s 10th full-length album and the first best album released since his debut.

The album contains a total of 12 songs, filled with songs that were previously loved, and composed of the songs that were most cherished. There are also new songs released through this album. Track 2 is a song called Overcome, and it says, “The worries and concerns that have been bothering me every night for a long time. Now, I will use them as a foundation and overcome them for a better tomorrow.”

In addition, world-renowned guitarist Tommy Emmanuel, guitarist Kotaro Oshio, known to domestic fans for the song “Twilight,” and Japan’s representative fingerstyle guitarist Masaaki Kishibe also participated in this album, raising expectations. raised it As a domestic performer, pianist Kim Hyun-woo of the band Dickpunks participated as a string and keyboard arranger, adding to the completeness of the album.

Seongha Seong said, “I am happy to be able to release my best album, which has been a long-time dream. This album was made possible thanks to the courage of fans around the world. “I will become an artist who continues to pursue musical activities in the future,” he said.

Seongha Seong-ha recently met fans from around the world, including Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Indonesia, during his Asia tour, and plans to continue touring in Malaysia and Thailand in the second half of the year. He also participated in the game Lost Ark National Tour Concert.

Photo source: Team Impact Co., Ltd.

Track introduction

1. Hazy Sunshine – This song expresses a feeling of uncertainty, like invisible sunlight that seems to be hidden by thick fog. Everyone has times when they feel anxious. However, this song contains the message that we do not want you to forget that behind the fog there is sunlight.

2. Overcome – I don’t know how long the worries and worries that have been bothering me every night for a long time will continue, but people who have gone through that period well know that tomorrow will be different, so it contains the meaning of trying to overcome the worries well.

3. Felicity – Some people feel happy when they see the sky with good weather, and others feel happy when they are with the person they love. The moment of feeling happy is different for each person, but the good news is that we all know the feeling of happiness. I hope you can feel a moment of happiness while listening to this song.

4. Nostalgia – Living with memories means, on the one hand, not being able to forget that moment. A perfume of memories that suddenly comes to mind. It’s a painful memory, but it’s also a piece of my memory. It is a song that brings to mind the memorable moments that each person cherishes.

5. Gravity – Natural weight has become a given. No one who can defy gravity exists in the same space. I feel a sense of burden and responsibility weighing down on me like gravity. But I think that’s also a weight I have to carry.

6. The Milky Way – stars, moon and night. Each of my favorite lights was shining wherever I was. Those lights come together to form a group and create the beautiful Milky Way. Lights filled with sincerity tend to shine brighter as time passes. I dedicate this music in the hope that everyone will embrace beautiful light in their hearts.

7. Rainy Day – There is an atmosphere and scent that only exists on days when it rains outside the window of the room. The sound of the rain mixes with my worries to form one emotion and calms the quiet moments. And on a rainy night like today, I get lost in thought while thinking of you.

8. Flaming – There are moments when just the word ‘passion’ is not enough. The experience of me burning and my emotions burning is a precious moment that is unknown to those who have not experienced it. I love this feeling, like a burning fire. This song was written in the hope that everyone would be able to experience this kind of passion at least once in their lives.

9. Seventh #9 – The word mysterious is a word that arose because its shape cannot be explained. Seventh #9 chord that goes well with the word mysterious. I want to present the charming performance of this chord. Flashy yet refined feel. I want to meet my listeners in the midst of that mystery.

10. L’Atelier – I tried to express my own space where I can feel the warm sunlight on a lazy afternoon, like a scene from a movie. The melody with an appropriate tempo, neither slow nor fast, and its reverberations remind me of peaceful moments while traveling. I hope that those who listen to these songs will close their eyes for a moment and walk through the streets of music in their hearts.

11. Wedding Bell – Two people who promise to be together for the rest of their lives. And the two kiss in front of the congratulating guests, followed by applause from the guests. I live with the happiness of a moment that I feel only once in my life for 50 years. As always, the melody of promise leaves a scent in our hearts.

12. The Ocean – There are two sides to the ocean. The sea would have been an object of fear for people in the past. Sometimes I feel scared by such a dual sea. I thought the progression of the song from minor to major to minor was like the ocean. The song expresses the different side of the sea, which is sometimes calm and serene, but when a storm rages, it becomes truly scary and overwhelming.


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